The Inside Man

A Graphic Novel by Melanie Ho

When a group of professional women realizes their workplace is rigged against them by the ultimate "boy's club," they secretly recruit a down-on-his-luck actor to infiltrate as an undercover ally. Passing him off as a hot-shot consultant from corporate headquarters, Hank's real mission is to covertly amplify the women's overlooked ideas and help them gain power. Though originally intended to even the playing field, Hank soon discovers his own presumptions and privileges as he witnesses first-hand the subtle and pervasive biases these women navigate daily.

As the story progresses, characters and readers alike question how sustainable and ethical their approach really is. This inventive story follows Hank's escapades as he bumbles through his act, keeping management convinced of his legitimacy even as his eyes open to inequities he never noticed before. We watch our formidable group of women as they unleash each part of their scheme, creatively turning their deep frustration into fuel for workplace rebellion.

How can our characters move from their subversive ruse to genuine and lasting solutions? Using humor and playfulness to reveal difficult truths, THE INSIDE MAN empowers readers to find their voice, enhance their allyship, and collaborate in new ways for change.

I’m so excited to share more soon! 

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In the meantime, hope you’ll poke around my site to learn more about using art and fiction to drive social change.