In the Media
AACRAO College and University Quarterly: Interview with Melanie Ho
Women.com: Weaponized Incompetence: What It is and How to Spot the Signs
UCLA Department of English: What We’re Reading with Melanie Ho
Evolllution: How Lesser-Known Online Programs are Revolutionizing Online Learning
Santa Barbara Independent: Cottage Health Research Institute and Community Researchers Gather for 2023 Collaborative Research Symposium
Inc.: 4 Things Leaders Must do to Greatly Improve Their Hiring Process
Leadership Excellence by HR.com: How Leaders as Coaches Can Combat Imposter Syndrome in Their Teams (cover story)
Huffington Post: ‘Weaponized Incompetence Screws Over Women at Work and in Relationships
Women Leading Travel and Hospitality: The Problem with Telling Women to Lean In
GovLoop: Recognize Habits that Hold Us All Back
CanvasRebel Magazine: Meet Melanie Ho
Welcome to the Jungle: What if being a confident woman at work isn’t enough?
Ms. Career Girl: Why It Can Be Harder for Women to Lean In
Kirkus Reviews: A Well-Crafted Instructional Tale That Explores Gender in Corporate America
Film Daily: Breaking gender barriers: Get to know author Melanie Ho
Thrive Global: Interview with Melanie Ho of Strategic Imagination
Authority Magazine: 5 Things to Close the Gender Wage Gap (video below)
Inside Higher Ed: Rhetoric vs. Reality (on gender bias in higher education)
She+ Geeks Out: SGO Book Club: Beyond Leaning In
Women in Business Education: March Bulletin
See Us Unite: Video introduced by Lisa Ling to bring visibility to the AAPI community (below)
NBC: #DontRentDC Campaign Pushes to Keep US Capitol Rioters Out of Neighborhoods
Newsweek: Airbnb to Halt D.C.-Area Rentals Through Inauguration Day After #DontRentDC Campaign
NPR: The Future of Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed: Colleges Shouldn’t Overfocus on Technical Skills
Inside Higher Ed: What the Purdue-Kaplan Deal Means for You
Inside Higher Ed: Business and the Relevance of the Liberal Arts
Evolllution: Three Myths of Competency-Based Education: Separating Fact from Fiction
Guest Podcasts
Career Education Report: The Evolving State of Higher Education Leadership
Lead to Soar: Beyond Leaning In with Melanie Ho
Radio Advisory: Allyship in Action (Part 1): Beyond Leaning In with Melanie Ho
We Should Talk About That: We Should Talk About How Women are Over Leaning In
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt: It Never Hurts to Ask with Author Melanie Ho
Take On Board: Melanie Ho on creative ways to explore diversity, equity, and inclusion in the boardroom
Bossed Up: How to Break through the Barriers as a Woman in Leadership
Become an Unstoppable Woman: Melanie Ho
Breakfast Leadership Show: Featured Interview with Melanie Ho
GovExec Daily: Equity Within the Workplace
Filled Up Cup: Melanie Ho
Women in STEM: The importance of highlighting women in STEM through fiction featuring Melanie Ho
Motherhood Unstressed: BEYOND LEANING IN - Gender Equity & What Organizations are Up Against
The Irish Tech News: How can organizations help gender equity at work with Melanie Ho
Take it from the Ironwoman: Melanie Ho, Ph.D. - Beyond Leaning In
Clutching Our Pearls - Podcast for a Revolution: Getting Intersectional with your Allyship
Career Conversations: Melanie Ho, Author, Beyond Leaning In
Macklin Connection: The Story in Your Head podcast
She+ Geeks Out: Episode 105 - Beyond Leaning In with Melanie Ho
Southern Phoenix Oral History Project: It’s Time to Breathe
EAB Office Hours: How Colleges Can Plan for and Adapt to Campus Crises in Higher Education
EAB Office Hours: 4 Unique Leadership Challenges Posed by the Pandemic in Higher Education
EAB Office Hours: 5 Biggest COVID-19 Strategy Mistakes in Higher Education